4G/5G Network Automation made easy with a software Operator!

12 Jul 2022, Orange Gardens, Paris, France, BubbleRAN

4G/5G Network Automation made easy with a software Operator!

Exhibition at the OpenAirInterface workshop.

We demonstrated the BubbleRAN technology featuring MX-Operator, the first cloud-native O-RAN compliant service management and orchestrator (SMO). Using the BubbleRAN MX-Operator, non-experts are able to declaratively describe, deploy, and observe a 4G/5G network tailored to their particular use-case over a telco-optimized, distributed, synchronized, and heterogeneous cloud infrastructure. In the OpenAirInterface Workshop, we trained 1 person for 1 day, and she was able to deploy a 5G end-to-end network, connect 5G devices, and show to the audience the netwokr and device statistics.
