BubbleRAN unveils the MX-PDK Product

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28 Feb 2022, Sophia-Antipolis, FR, Navid Nikaein

BubbleRAN unveils the MX-PDK Product

BubbleRAN has unveiled its MX-PDK, a Multi-X Platform Development Kit for 4G/5G experimentation and validation. We are excited to bring this innovative platform to the market, as extreme flexibility and customization along with fast and programmable connectivity have rapidly become a standard in 4G/5G. To this end, the MX-PDK will offer seamless and best-in-class software-defined platforms for both 4G/5G radio-access networks and core networks with Open RAN functionalities including O-RAN RIC and SMO that can operate in any environments ranging from a bare-metal to a cloud infrastructure.

MX-PDK platform can create a controlled, consistent, and reproducible testbed required by R&D and proof-of-concept prototyping efforts enabling testing, use-case validation, and staging of 4G/5G-based networks. It can be easily be integrated with existing infrastructure by means of either command-line interfaces (CLI), APIs, and/or standardized interfaces.
