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Observation instance to be associated with the workload for providing extensive observability. By default, the Observation is periodic. The json tags are used by the Kubernetes API machinery to generate the CRD and the yaml tags are used by Athena to generate the configuration file for the Manager. No validation is performed before passing the values to the Manager, hence the Manager might panic if the values are not proper.

Name field of tag name

The Name of the observation.

Kind: NameTag
Tag: name
Manager Tag: name
Data Type: string
Optional: False

Kind field of tag kind

The Kind of the observation which determines also the representation of the observation.

Kind: string
Tag: kind
Manager Tag: kind
Data Type: string
Enumeration: metric, condition, event, alert, notification, report, status
Optional: False

Plugin field of tag plugin

The Plugin to be used to derive the observation, either from the defaults or defined in the Composition Model. The Plugin must be of the observer kind. Currently, a limited set of plugins are shipped with the Manager. Support for defining custom plugins would be included in the future releases.

Kind: string
Tag: plugin
Manager Tag: plugin
Data Type: string
Maximum Length: 63
Optional: False

Source field of tag source

Source to be observed in URI format of RFC 3986. Currently, Athena supports four schema: 1. File (file:///path/to/it.ext#content, or #bytes, or #lines, or #exists) 2. HTTP(S) (http://host:port/path/to/it.ext#status-code, or #output) 3. Telnet (telnet://host:port/path/to/it.ext#output) 4. Command (cmd:///path/to/run#exit-code, or #output)

Kind: string
Tag: source
Manager Tag: source
Data Type: string
Format: uri
Optional: False

Target field of tag target

Target to output the observation to in URI format of RFC 3986. Currently, Athena supports five schema: 1. Prometheus (omi://metric1?type=gauge) 2. Kubernetes (obj://field-name) 3. Event Stream (kes://event-name?type=warning) 4. Probes (cpi://condition-name) 5. File (file:///path/to/it.ext)

Kind: string
Tag: target
Manager Tag: target
Data Type: string
Format: uri
Optional: False
Regular Expression: (^(omi|obj|kes|cpi|file)(:\/\/)([^\#\s]*)$)

Period field of tag period

The Period of performing the observation. Support Kubernetes period formats. Integer values are considered by default in seconds. Minimum supported period is 10ms and the maximum is 10d.

Tag: period
Manager Tag: period
Data Type: Int or String
Optional: False
Regular Expression: (^[0-9]*(ms|s|m|h|d?)$)