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NetworkDesc is the description of a network in the most general sense, either AccessNetwork, CoreNetwork, or EdgeNetwork.

Name field of tag name

Name of the network section. Only accepts Kubernetes naming formats with maximum size of 63 characters.

Kind: NameTag
Tag: name
Manager Tag: -
Data Type: string
Optional: False

Stack field of tag stack

Stack of the network to be deployed. The value mappings are as the followings: 4g-sa Standalone LTE, 4G 4g-nsa Non-Standalone LTE, 4G 5g-sa 5G StandAlone, 5G-SA 5g-nsa 5G Non-StandAlone, 5G-NSA 4g-5g Simultaneous 4G and 5G cells After qualifications for 6G the stack support would be available, but no plans are provided for supporting any older generations.

Kind: string
Tag: stack
Manager Tag: stack
Data Type: string
Enumeration: "4g-sa", "4g-nsa", "5g-sa", "5g-nsa", "4g-5g"
Optional: False

Model field of tag model

Composition Model used to deploy the network. Only accepts Kubernetes naming formats with maximum size of 63 characters as used for the model names too.

Kind: FullModel
Tag: model
Manager Tag: -
Data Type: string
Optional: False

Scopes field of tag scopes

Scopes are optional logical separators. The Workloads in the different scopes would not recognize each other and the Operator would not populate their link information to each other.

Tag: scopes
Manager Tag: scopes
Data Type: Slice
Optional: True

Profiles field of tag profiles

Profiles are arbitrary, vendor-defined options that could be disabled or enabled to add or remove features from a particular Workload. The enabled profiles are the ones that are explicitly listed in the Network's profile list.

Kind: Array of string
Tag: profiles
Manager Tag: -
Data Type: Slice
Optional: True

Scheduling field of tag scheduling

Optional Scheduling Constraints for the Network's pods, based on Kubernetes logic.

Kind: *./api/v1.Scheduling
Tag: scheduling
Manager Tag: scheduling
Data Type: Pointer
Optional: True

Labels field of tag labels

Optional Labels to be associated with all the resources of this Network, useful for multi-x dimension selection, customized scheduling, or other labeling needs. Several default labels, in compliance with the Kubernetes best practices are applied automatically, but could be overridden by providing custom labels. The labels should respect the Kubernetes label formats, otherwise would cause undefined behavior.

Kind: Map of string to string
Tag: labels
Manager Tag: -
Data Type: Map
Optional: True

Annotations field of tag annotations

Optional Annotations to be associated with the pods of this network, useful for scoping, custom variable updates, and environment editing. Several default annotations, in compliance with the Kubernetes best practices are applied automatically, but could be overridden by providing custom annotations. If both the Network and Composition Model provide the same annotation, the one from the Network will be used.

Kind: Map of string to string
Tag: annotations
Manager Tag: -
Data Type: Map
Optional: True

Filters field of tag filters

Filters used to pick the slices assigned to this network and by default to all of its network functions. CompositionModels define how the mapping from a Network to an Element object should be done.

Kind: *./api/v1.SliceFilters
Tag: filters
Manager Tag: -
Data Type: Pointer
Optional: True

PostConfiguration field of tag post-configuration

PostConfiguration are generic JSON-path key and value pairs that are used to customize the configuration after the Manager has decided on the final configuration. The key should start with the name of the Element, followed by a dot, then the name of the Application, followed by a dot, and finally the JSON-path of the key to be updated. For example: "oai-amf.amf.SBI.Interface[0].IPv4Addr" The configuration file for the Element has to be in one of the formats supported by Panacea.

Kind: Map of string to string
Tag: post-configuration
Manager Tag: post-configuration
Data Type: Map
Optional: True